Cerdo Negro Cold Meats

In collaboration with the famous family-run business Cerdo Negro, we offer you different Iberian charcuterie boards to taste in our traditional restaurant.

The gastronomic offer of Cerdo Negro

A few steps away from our estancia, Quico Fernandez and his family produce the only acorn-fed hams in South America. In their family cellars, they let their hams mature for at least 6 years in order to create an exceptional product, of which House of Jasmines is one of the only distributors.

Come enjoy this exclusive gastronomic offer in our restaurant La Table House of Jasmines, a real fusion between iberic and argentinean cultures.

At La Table House of Jasmines, we offer you boards made of a great variety of Cerdo Negro products: 

Raw ham
Raw salted pork neck
Raw salted pork shoulder
Salted pork fillet
Iberian sausage

Picada “Cerdo Negro” for 2 persons (total 250grs)
Picada “Cerdo Negro” for 4 persons (total 500grs)
Accompanied by a glass of wine

We welcome you to our table to taste these unique products, elaborated only a few steps away from our estancia.

Contact us to book


The story of Cerdo Negro

Cerdo Negro was born from a passion, from a family tradition that dates back to the origins of the “Fernández García” family in Andalusia, Spain. Today, their Argentinean descendants maintain this gastronomic tradition that they carry in their blood. This is why they want to share these high-quality products with passion.

If you would like to meet Quico Fernandez – a true friend of the Fenestraz Family – and visit its cellars, do not hesitate to contact our reception team to organize this unique activity.

Discover the complete story of Cerdo Negro